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Status: Actief
Kent aliassen: Haily Young Hailey Haley Young
Land: VS,
Datum lid geworden: Jul 04 2013
Geslacht: Vrouwelijk
Leeftijd: 42
Gewicht: 45
Hoogte: 168
Tatoeages: "Bad Ass" back of neck; "Pain, without love / Pain, can't get enough / Pain, I like it rough / as I'd rather feel / Pain than nothing / * at all *" between shoulderblades; Tribal with red heart lower back; "Breathe" left side of ribcage (Nov'2011); Psychedelic teddybear right side of torso (sketch Jul'2011, coloured Nov'2011); Small oriental char each bikini line; "No One Can Save Me / The Damage Is Done" and stars left hip (Jul'2011); "Dolce" inside right forearm (Aug'2011);