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Опубликовано на Июн 17 2010
Ashley and Stephanie are a couple of hot teen cheerleaders we found practicing at the ballpark. When they asked John if he was their new cheerleading coach, he quickly answered that he was and started giving them some new moves to try. The girls were a bit confused by his unorthodox style but followed his every command. He then told them about a secret cheer that would guarantee them winning every future competition, but said they would have to come back to his place for a private lesson. They fell for it hook, line and sinker and ended up back at John s place wearing nothing but knee-high socks fingering and licking each other s shaved pussies before sucking and sharing the coach s cock. These little fuck sluts are a fantastic duo whose cheerleading background makes them loud screamers during sex. The only thing that shut them up was a mouthful of cum which they happily swallowed.
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