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Wat up fellas, the bus is out and about again. We 're trolling the Miami streets looking for the hottest girls. Today we found air walking around a not so secure region, so being the dependable guys that we are we pulled over to see if she needed assist. This girl was really pretty and was wearing a petty hackamore top that was barely holding in her overnice tits. She immediately gave us attitude and we soon found out why. She had just gotten into a fight with her swain and her cellular phone telephone set was out of battery. We offered her to come into the van to get out of the hot sun and charge her phone. This was the perfect opportunity to see how far she is willing to go. At the starting time mention of cash, her centre lit up. We asked her to dart her us and she did. Behind that halter top was the most staring set of boobs. After offering her more money, she agreed to do it our lucky boy Derrick. This lady friend knows how to take cock in her mouth and odorous pussy. She got get laid hard all over the bus and ended up with a load on her bosom. Then it was clip to kick the unsuspecting beauty to the curve. She found out the surd way that guys are all alike, ha ha ha ha .
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