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Holy diddly, what a strange thing ! A few twenty-four hour period ago, my daughter's friend came to my home, visibly stressed. The teenage girl was totally brokenhearted to find out that her bestie slept with her beau while working on a group undertaking together. When I calmed her down, she changed her behavior towards me. The petty adulteress decided to get a little payback ! She turned on all her charm to seduce me, her well admirer's dad ! Instead of my daughter's room she was in my bedroom, sitting on my bed. She started to be all cute, and she talked weirdly. I could not trust my optic when the teenager female child flashed her panties for me on purpose. SPreading her branch in straw man of me she wondered what I'd say and what I'd do ! Of course of action, since I'm a dumb fashion plate that has a penis that's a branch entity, I fell for it. I feel a lilliputian guilty, but I have to intromit that it was wondrous. The female child laid on her back and lifted her hips, which is always a sign that a woman wants her panties taken off. I put my hand under her skirt to commit off her panties. I saw her bare pussy, gleaming with all the juice all over it. The sexy sight in the worldly concern ! Of course of action it is topnotch smooth. The interior lips were low and tight. I was on my genu while the lady friend was naked on my bed. I was sticking my spit in that pussy like the last opus of diamond's in there, and I'm trying to chase after it down. I swirled my tongue around it, I licked it, sucked it, and I did everything. I like nothng better than going down and thoroughly licking a bald pussy, mmm. I was so starving for that vernal sweet pussy, and I didn't even know it. And she was enjoying it too, obviously, because she was moaning and screaming in delight. That wasn't enough to fulfill either of us, so somewhat quickly, we moved on. I placed my hot throbbing dick between her wet pussy lips and pushed inside. The feeling of her taut pussy around my putz was amazing ! She was tight because she had only ever taken her friend's lowly cocks. I started to get laid her little pussy in the missioner position, and I've seen heaven .
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