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Status: Aktiv
Kennt Aliase: Layna Laurel Layna Julez Ventura Shayne St. Lucia Juelz
Land: Brasilien,
Datum beigetreten: Jul 04 2013
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Alter: 38
Gewicht: 52
Höhe: 165
Tattoos: "Latina" back of neck; Sleeve (outline of eagle) right upper arm (May'2010); Angel (outline of half-sleeve) right forearm; "C.A.B", "03.12.83" and ankh inside left forearm (Oct'2009); "TCB" left middle finger; Flowers left hip; Stars above right buttcheek; Small tribal lower back; Skull and heart with "Love Dies Hard" banner inside left ankle; Korean characters outer right calf; Star top of right foot